
Usk Church in Wales Primary School

Believe... Achieve... Succeed

Credu... Cyflawni... Llwyddo

Additional Learning Needs

Additional Learning Needs (ALN)

Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol  (ADY)



Inclusion and ALN at Usk Church in Wales Primary School

Additional Learning Needs in Wales - what's happening?

Watch this video to give you a simple overview of the new Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and Educational Tribunal Act.

Our approach to identifying ALN and Wellbeing needs at our school

Further Advice and Support


If you have any questions about this process or a query regarding individual pupils our Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo), Mr Oliver Beckett, will be happy to help. Please call on 01291 673818.


You may also like to contact the Local Authority’s ALN Helpline on 01633 644644 or email for further information and advice. 


If you would like independent advice SNAP Cymru offers information, advice and support to children and their parents or carers and young people who have/or may have Additional Learning Needs (ALN). The service can help you with 'one off', straightforward advice or more in-depth support from a caseworker at your local team. They will provide clear, reliable and straightforward information about your options and help you confidently share your views and make informed decisions.  


You can contact SNAP Cymru via the helpline on 0808 801 0608 or by completing an enquiry form on 


You can find out more about SNAP Cymru at 
