
Usk Church in Wales Primary School

Believe... Achieve... Succeed

Credu... Cyflawni... Llwyddo

Governing Body

Since the Education Act 1986, the majority of schools have had their own governing body. Usk Primary School enjoys its own Governing Body of 15 members. The 1986 Act had given Governing Body's far more authority and far more responsibilities including, for example, sole responsibility for the appointment of teaching staff and equal representation with Local Authority(LA) representation on the appointment of Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher. The major responsibilities also include monitoring the general conduct of the school, its admission and discipline policies, its curriculum policies and practice and administering the school's delegated budget.

The Governing Body

Chair & Community Governor- Hilary Baker

Vice Chair & Parent Governor  - Nicki Lloyd

Parent Governor - Ian Boyes

Parent Governor - Charlie Marshall

Parent Governor -  Dr James Osborne

Local Authority - C.Cllr Meirion Howells

Local Authority - Elaine Lewis

Local Authority - Professor Dianne Watkins

Community Governor - Cllr Kay Peacock

Teacher Governor - Oliver Beckett

Staff Governor - Lucy Howells

Foundation Governor - John Harris

Foundation Governor - Rev'd Bill Savage

Ex-Officio Clergy Governor - Rev'd Sally Ingle-Gillis

Headteacher - Victoria Evans


