
Usk Church in Wales Primary School

Believe... Achieve... Succeed

Credu... Cyflawni... Llwyddo

Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE)

We believe Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) is learning about emotional, social and physical aspects of our lives, about ourselves and our relationships. It enables children to develop essential life skills for building and maintaining positive, enjoyable, respectful and non-exploitative relationships. It equips them with information and skills they need to understand about themselves, their peers and people they meet in the wider community. It explores risks, choices, identity, rights, responsibilities and attitudes. It will help children to develop skills to keep themselves and others safer, physically and emotionally, both on and off line.

RSE enables pupils to explore their own attitudes and those of others respectfully, ensuring they are tolerant and relate positively with those who share different views.

Every year group will be engaged differently in RSE, and only ever in ways suitable for their age and understanding.

We recognise that children learn about relationships and their growing and changing bodies at home and at school. We believe that a partnership between home and school is the most supportive environment for learning in this area. At school children learn about RSE topics though planned lessons, but also through wider provision and our inclusive school environment.

In addition to our broad aims for RSE, in our planned lessons we aim to ensure that at a developmentally and age appropriate stage children: 

  • learn to name the private parts of the body confidently and communicate with trusted adults to keep themselves safe
  • be prepared for puberty and the emotional and physical effects of body changes (Year 5)
  • develop understanding of the value of committed relationships between adults and family life as a positive environment for bringing up children, conception & birth (Year 6)
  • understand the attitudes and skills needed to maintain personal hygiene

What will primary children be taught?

The aim is to gradually build learners knowledge, skills and values as they develop emphasising the social and emotional aspects of relationships.

RSE in Wales

RSE - Teaching & Leaning
