
Usk Church in Wales Primary School

Believe... Achieve... Succeed

Credu... Cyflawni... Llwyddo

Reception 2024

We're very excited as it will not be long until we meet our September 2024 children!

We have a very committed and talented staff team who are all looking forward to meeting the new children joining us in September 2024 and their families. We will do our very best to offer children and their families a smooth and happy transition. We want to make sure that every child has the best possible start to their school life.


In the coming weeks there will be several opportunities for Reception 2024 children to visit school. These are listed below.

Your child may be able to attend all sessions available to them or just one. We understand that parents and carers may have work commitments. Please do contact us if all sessions prove to be difficult and we will try to make some alternative arrangements for you. 


Dates & times

Who the session is for

Purpose of the session

Tuesday 11th June 1.30-2.30  

Friday 14th June 1.30-2.20

Monday 17th June 10-11

Children allocated in to 5 separate groups and identified to attend on designated date.

Stay and Play Session 1 – An opportunity for your child to visit their new classroom for an hour, get to know staff and children and experience the school environment.

Thursday 20th June 10-11 

Tuesday 25th June 10-11   

Friday 28th June 1.30-2.30

Children allocated in to 5 separate groups and identified to attend on designated date.

Stay and Play Session 2 – An opportunity for your child to visit their new classroom for an hour, get to know staff and children and experience the school environment. 


2nd July


New Parents and Carers and their children.

Presentation given by staff in the school hall followed by the opportunity for everyone to visit reception classrooms & outdoor learning areas and have any questions answered.

Wednesday 3rd July


All Reception 2024 children

The opportunity for all children to spend the afternoon in their new classroom with their new classmates and staff.


For those currently attending Usk or Sunflowers Nurseries please confirm the transfer arrangements with nursery staff for Stay & Play sessions.


Staff from the Reception team will be visiting all pre-school settings across the next half term to get to see the children in their current setting too.


The Autumn term will start for pupils on Wednesday 4th September 2024, and we will stagger the children starting across the first three days with all children being in school by Friday 6th September. The date your child will start school will be shared with you at the open evening at Usk Church in Wales Primary School on Tuesday 2nd July at 6pm.


We have some transition information below for you to read through before your child joins us in September to make the process as seamless as possible and we will share further welcome information and a copy of the school prospectus with you at the New Parents and Carers Meeting on July 2nd. 


We hope the information below will be helpful. We really look forward to welcoming both you, your child and your family to Usk CiW Primary School.

School Vision


Usk CiW Primary School | THE EARLY YEARS

How you can help your child to prepare for starting school

One thing to remember is that pre-schoolers don’t need to do lots of what you might think of as schoolwork at home before they start. Our Reception team will always say that getting dressed and undressed and using the toilet independently are key skills which can be encouraged at home. The simple things can be really helpful, too: getting familiar with numbers, letters and sounds, singing nursery rhymes, and just doing things with your children like baking, getting out in the garden if you have one and simply chatting with them. Parents often underestimate the value of talking with their children, and that’s something that preschool children who are at home might get a lot more of.

Below you will find some links to more information to help you prepare your child for school.

Sharing engaging stories and picture books about starting school is a great way to gently prepare your child for their first day.

Below are some picture books about starting school - we hope they help you and your little one.
